Tagged: environment

frost flower 0

Have You Ever Seen Frost Flowers?

Frost flowers are delicate white ice formations that develop at ground level around the dry stems of plants. They go by many other names, including ice flowers and ice ribbons. An amazing sight The first time I saw frost flowers,...

frozen napa cabbage 0

Frost or Freeze — What’s the Difference?

Frost or freeze? Weather reports often refer to such things as a “light frost” or a “hard freeze.” So what’s the difference between a frost and a freeze. And, more important, what temperature is “light” and what temperature is “hard”?...

Thousand Island dressing ingredients 2

Thousand Island Dressing Isn’t Just for Salads

At the end of the gardening season, when frost threatens, I wander around looking for stragglers that might freeze. I invariably find a few young dill plants that missed their scheduled spring sprouting. That’s when I think of making Thousand...

Spotted Lanternfly 0

Beware the Spotted Lanternfly

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect that threatens to destroy numerous species of fruit, nut, and hardwood trees in North America. It first appeared in Pennsylvania and is spreading to other states, attracted by another invasive species: tree of...

azaleas in bloom 0

Starting Azaleas from Cuttings

Starting azaleas from cuttings is tricky business, according to everything I read before I gave it a try. And another try. And a third try — ah-ha, this time with success. Why Bother? Decades ago I bought several pots of...

Eastern newt 2

Could a Newt Kill a Chicken?

Every now and then I run across a newt, either wandering in the backyard or curled up in some corner of the garden. Here in Tennessee I’m always delighted to spot a bright orange Eastern newt. It never occurred to...

a flock of bronzed grackles 0

The Grackles Are Back

It’s been several years since massive flocks of grackles have visited our farm, as they once regularly did. Although grackles remain among North Americas most abundant birds, scientists have identified the common grackle among 33 bird species in steep decline....


How Not to Prune a Tree

When I moved to Tennessee I was appalled to see the way trees are pruned here, especially the practice called topping. In yard after yard I saw trees with their crowns lopped off, leaving ugly stubs. These trees are pruned...