Tagged: goats

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How Much Milk to Bottle Feed an Orphan Goat

Nubian doe Frosty was extremely timid and cautious. Before she would do anything new, she took her sweet time checking things out. So when she had her first kid, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to be a mother. She...

Newborn Nubian kids 0

12 Signs a Goat Is About to Kid

If you don’t know when a doe is bred, you can’t accurately predict when she will have her kids. So you’re left with watching for signs that the goat is about to kid. Kidding Signs Ideally you will be able...

High tensile fence for goats and chickens 1

Fences for Goats and Chickens

Barbed wire criss-crossed our Tennessee farm when we moved here four decades ago. Some of the wire was wrapped around or stapled to rickety fence posts. But most of it was nailed or stapled to trees — not a safe...

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Deworm Goats with Pine Trees — Fact or Fiction?

Deworming goats with prunings from pine trees and similar conifers is much less expensive than using chemicals. It also avoids the issue of internal parasites becoming resistant to chemical products. But can you really deworm goats with pine? Let’s find...

Breeding Pair of Nubian Dairy Goats 0

How to Tell When a Goat Is in Heat

Some goats show obvious signs of heat. Others display only subtle signs. How to tell when a goat is in heat is important when you need to determine the right time to bring the doe to a buck. Heat Cycles...

Best Goat Hoof Trimmer 1

The Best Goat Hoof Trimmer

Goat hoof trimming shears are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Over the decades I’ve spent a small fortune buying and trying just about every style touted as being the best goat hoof trimmer ever. Some of...

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When a Newborn Goat Walks on Pasterns

Supposedly a newborn goat that walks on pasterns doesn’t need its legs splinted. The theory is that the kid will grow out of it. But why take a chance? Causes of Weak Pasterns One of the two main causes of...

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Bottle Feeding and Weaning Dairy Goat Kids

Like most newbie goat owners, I started out with the notion that bottle feeding and weaning dairy goat kids is mandatory. After several years of keeping Nubian dairy goats it dawned on me that I wasn’t doing my goats or...

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Get Ready for Goat Kidding Season

For most dairy goat breeds, kidding season generally starts in November and runs through April. In the warm southern states, the season runs a little later — from about December through May. So most goat owners know when to get...

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Garden Surplus Yields Winter Treats for Goats

Our summer garden always produces more vegetables than we can possibly eat and preserve. We share some of the surplus as treats for our chickens. Our goats also get a small share of the bounty. But during the summer they...